A Beautiful Transformation From An Ugly Place
Today I’m inviting you into a recent interaction with a dear friend. You’ll get a chance to learn from what he’s learning. It’s essentially a peek into me coaching my friend.
God allowed him to go to an ugly place ... in order to make a beautiful journey of transformation.
He’s in the middle of that journey right now. And I’ve been honored to play a small role in his transformation.
Through our conversations and emails, he’s now realizing that losing weight is about so much more than just “getting on a diet.” There’s actually a lot of things interwoven. Our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health don’t really exist (or improve) individually. They’re all jumbled together and if you want to make big change that lasts . . . then you’ll probably need to address them all.
In this episode we explore the lessons he’s learning, plus the things he wants to understand better. We’re all unique and have our own individual lives, but you may find that you’re in a pretty similar place as my friend.
ANTI-DIET CLASS: https://AntiDietClass.com
FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause
TRANSFORMATION TRINITY CLASS: https://EverybodyHatesDiets.com