A Super Simple Way to Make Better Food Choices
Today, I want to offer you a different way to view real time daily food choices.
It’s a renewed, refreshed, empowering, and honest perspective. Whether we realize it or not, our current perspective might not be all that honest. It’s only a half truth that can leave us feeling like a defeated victim.
Eventually we can get stuck viewing things a certain way. This can be a problem.
Things can creep into our head that cripple us. Unknowingly, we’re sabotaging ourselves. As if that’s not bad enough, then we begin judging ourselves and our decisions. And this can sink us into so much discouragement and shame.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Check out today’s episode and adopt the “package deal perspective” and starting using the yes-no tool with your daily decisions. You’ll begin to see things so much more clearly. And I believe you’ll make decisions that you don’t regret!
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