How Anxiety Affects Weight Loss and Dieting
What makes sticking to a diet so hard?
Do you have a really hard time sticking to a diet?
Do you always gain your weight back?
Is perfectionism and the desire to “get things right” really strong with you?
Do you often feel stressed, tired, and drained from life?
Today we’re discussing the key to success and overall enjoyable life. It also happens to be the key to true, long-term weight loss success.
Whether you realize it or not, there’s a big intertwined, jumbled clump of things in your brain that leads to the weight loss decisions you make. Stress, fatigue, all-or-nothing thinking, and your desire for results, but at the heart of all of this is . . .
It might be affecting you much more than you think. And it might be totally sabotaging your weight loss efforts.