Episode 211

Published on:

18th Oct 2022

Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight

Why is it so hard to keep weight off after you’ve lost it?

Why is losing weight so hard??

When we think of these questions, a lot of things probably quickly come to mind. It’s like - Corey, dude, I know why’s it so hard to lose weight …

Cause I love food! Cause I hate working out. Because I have terrible genetics. Because my family never supports me and I wind up eating what they’re eating. 

One or all of those might apply, but there are much bigger, much deeper reasons why it’s so hard to lose weight. And that’s exactly what we’re going to get into today. 

When we look at the science of psychology, there’s a concrete reason that losing weight is so dang hard. There’s stuff going on behind the scenes that you don’t know about. And that stuff is working against you! 

In this episode you’ll learn . . .

  • The 3 reasons it’s so hard to keep weight off
  • How your brain works against you when it comes to losing weight
  • What the Motivational Triad is and how it impacts you
  • The sneaky way we sabotage ourselves and don’t realize it

Plus, there’s a special invitation to a free live coaching call with yours truly!.

FREE COACHING CALL OCT 27th 8pm EST:  www.EverybodyHatesDiets.com

I want to help you discover your unique “weight loss personality.” Once you figure this out, it’s like turning on the lights in a room full of furniture! You can clearly see your obstacles and all of the things that have been tripping you up and holding you back.

You can see what’s always messed you up in the past. You can see why you always fall into the same patterns and ruts. AND (here’s the really awesome part) - once you see it, you can do something about it! 

It’s really cool. It’s really empowering. And it could totally change the course of your weight loss experience.

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Juliarna $10
Thx Corey for borrowing me your belief until i had my own I lost 10% of my body weight, and its ALL thx to you. I am at my goal weight & still going!
Husna £3
Fan from the UK. Your podcasts are so informative and helping me so much through my weight loss journey. Thanks Corey
Joni $5
Some people are just super sensitive. I think you’re did a great job on the menopause episodes
Mark L $50
Great job on the podcast. You are helping so many people.
Kim Workman $25
Corey- I’m still here following you’re wisdom! You’ve kept me balanced and grounded for a year now!
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About the Podcast

Real Life Weight Loss
Lose Weight. Gain Life.
Welcome to the Real Life Weight Loss Podcast where we cut through the confusion and get down to the truth - down to what really works for REAL people when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. We're diving into the most doable, sustainable weight loss strategies.

This podcast is all about busy moms, dads, husbands, wives who are working, raising kids, and trying to juggle everything life’s throwing at them … but also want to be the best they can for their family and friends and loved ones.

I’m your host Corey Little, a nutritionist and weight loss specialist with 2 degrees, 3 certifications, and 20 years of experience. I've been a champion bodybuilder with 3% body-fat and I’ve also pigged out at all-you-can-eat buffets and have a deep love of food and enjoying life like crazy! So, I’m not some Nutrition Robot or extremist. I’m a real person just like you who loves the good things in life - friends, family, and all the delicious food that comes with it.

So, make no mistake - this podcast is NOT about how to get six-pack abs or how to drop as much weight as possible in 8 weeks. There’s more to life than abs and there’s more to your body than how much you weigh.

Honestly, weight loss is not really about losing weight … it’s about gaining life! Doing things you never thought you could. Having renewed confidence. And enjoying your body and your health more than ever.

Week by week, I’ll provide bite-sized guidance - 15 to 20 minute episodes that pull back the curtain and reveal the truth about what it takes to lose weight and gain life - what strategy and approach real people are using to get results without giving up their day-to-day life.

And here’s the really cool part …

It’s really not as hard or confusing as you might think.

Changing your body, getting crazy healthy, and demanding success from life is do-able for everyone - and it can be fun - and I’ll show you how.
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About your host

Profile picture for Corey Little

Corey Little

What’s up! My name's Corey Little.
I’m a down to Earth, real-life, donut-loving, “lose weight while getting away with as much as you can” weight-loss specialist.

When it comes to the world of fitness and nutrition, there isn’t much I haven’t done – from champion bodybuilder with 3% body-fat ... to all-you-can-eat buffets to ... training professional athletes to helping a mom of 3 finally drop that 20 or 30lbs she’s been dying to lose.

I am the voice of reason for the busy mom or dad who’s ready to drop weight and get fit, but doesn’t want to become some Crossfit maniac or join a “Diet Cult.”

I am the trusted guide, walking you through the often intimidating world of trying to figure out which diet or supplement actually works and which is a scam.

If losing weight doesn't fit into your life, then it doesn't work. Practical, realistic, sustainable, LIFE-changing results ... that's how we roll.